The Economic Trend Is Not Pretty

12:28 PM 0 Comments A+ a-

By Anne Trimble

It was a slow-moving summer season for the U.S. economy in a great many ways, most of them unfavorable. Yet the economic activity will get fast and insane in Washington, D.C., and Americans need to understand what the bottom line will be.

The bottom line is that a new period of trauma and turbulence is about to overtake the federal government and, along with it, the international economic climate. At this time, we're recommending that our customers review their investment portfolios--and take full advantage of the current weakening of the cost of gold and silver.

The U.S. economy can't get into second gear because of the overhang of unprecedented federal budget deficits. Between 2009 and 2012, the government recorded the largest federal budget deficits relative to the size of the economy since 1946, according to a recent report by the Congressional Budget Office. Federal debt held by the public is now 73 percent of the economy's GDP - a percentage higher than at any point in U.S. history except for a brief period around World War II.

It's also twice the percentage since 2007, before the worldwide economic crisis was official--and before the new President, Barack Obama, decided that the solution was to load the quandary onto the backs of the American citizen through increased taxation. Then Obama discovered all sorts of socialistic tools to compound the problem, introducing a variety of new laws, such as Obamacare to bedevil business owners.

Because of this, CEOs and small-business owners still fear for the future and continue to be conventional in how they go about dedicating their capital. Business incomes are falling as labor is being scaled back. Additionally, customers are spending less as they fret over their own monetary concerns.

It's no wonder then that Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke continues to push the throttle on "quantitative easing"-- i.e., U.S. government purchases of our own bonds-- that primarily has been keeping the country's economic situation from completely stalling.

Only a Band-Aid remedy will emerge out of current economic reforms. Prepare for additional monetary handwringing straight ahead. Right now the only thing that you as an investor can do is invest in God's gold and silver monetary instruments; they alone have stood the test of time and can give you the most relief from the economic calamity being enforced by Washington.

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