Is U.S. Government Invading Private Accounts?

5:36 PM 0 Comments A+ a-

By Anne Trimble

We've said this recently, and we'll say it again: The Obama money-seizure machine is moving so quickly we can't even keep up the outrages.

If you want to understand why Real Money USA has been encouraging you to cash out of your paper-money assets - as quickly as possible - and buy God's Money, gold and silver, consider a letter that we just got from one of our clients. She's a local woman we'll call "Claudia."

The financial institution that held Claudia's funds simply sent her a notice to advise her of upcoming modifications in her account."

So what exactly did the notice say?

It said that on May 20th of this year, her current sweep options would no longer be available. The plan would be discontinued. It would be replaced by Federated US Treasure Cash Reserves - Service Shares. If she had any existing balance it would be liquidated and transferred to the new option automatically.

What does this bureaucratic language mean? As we have been cautioning, it appears the federal government is moving unilaterally on Barack Obama's expressed desire to force investors to transform funds from their selected investment instruments into those that will directly support the increasing federal debt. Direct government seizure of your assets could be the following action, and it seems we're getting closer to that one, too.

Remember how the pundits said that "Cyprus will never happen here" - meaning that the U.S. government would never resort to seizing bank or other financial assets of its citizens the way that a desperate Cypriot government recently has done?

Well, those dewy-eyed optimists, or cynical enablers, were wrong. That's exactly what the U.S. government now is doing.

And your only protection is to escape mankind's debt-creating money system, including all financial investments denominated in U.S. dollars, as soon as possible, and convert them into gold and silver investments. Our firm can help you do that rapidly and securely, and you can be confident that you're making the absolute best move for yourself and your financial possessions.

That's exactly what Claudia is doing. This 59-year-old woman is putting $80,000 from the account in question with Real Money USA before the May 15 deadline. Claudia got smart and changed her life with some definitive action.

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