How An International Diamond Exchange Operates

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By Steven Anderson

Diamonds are considered to be one of the most precious and coveted naturally mined stones in the entire world. However, getting the stones from their respective caves to your finger, neck, or wrist, is a lot more complicated than you may imagine. There are many entities that have to come together to make this possible. The international diamond exchange is just one of these entities.

After the gems have been sorted, based on specific characteristics, they can then be distributed to jewelry dealers. Once distributed, the gems are cut into specific fashions, and sold to the general public. The fashions and prices of the fashions will differ, based on the amount of gems that are used to make a piece of jewelry.

There are many large centers that are responsible for the sorting process. These centers are located in European and American countries. The exchange acts as the middlemen between miners and jewelry makers. The way that the process works is actually not as daunting as it sounds.

The process actually does not begin with the exchanges. It actually begins with the miners. These individuals will go out to different mines and gather the gems together. They will then take the gems that they have found to a processing center. The center will determine if the stones are genuine, and pay the miners for the product.

The value of the stones will be based on the shape, size, color, and clarity of the stone. Due to the fact that sorters have to determine all four of these factors, they have to go through an extensive amount of training, before being allowed to work in one of these areas. The specialized training will teach sorters what to look for when studying the stones.

The sorters will determine the value based on the stones clarity, size, shape, and its color. Because sorters are given one of the most important jobs, they will have to go through training before they can be employed to work for any of the exchanges that exist around the globe. Sensitive scales will be used to determine the weight of precious gem before it is sorted and after the sorting process has completed.

The weight of the stones is important. It takes 142 carats of the stone in order to make one ounce of jewelry. The international diamond exchange, after sorting out the stones, they receive, will then distribute them to jewelers. The jewelers will purchase the gems in bulk, and have them shipped off to be polished and cut into different fashions.

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