How Each Investor May Value An Ounce Of Gold

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By Jerald Roten

Gold is the most precious metal on earth. People even make their wealth estimations in term of country. Due to the uncertainty of the factors that money presents, in terms of devaluation and the like, people have been forced to start making their investments in terms of this precious metal. However, it is not so certain in value, and each investor may value an ounce of gold differently.

Time is one of the many factors that will affect the gold spot price. As time advances, so does its price appreciate. An investor who was operating ten years back will not attach the same worth to it as does the investor who will be operating in ten years time.

A shortage of it in the mines will mean that there will be less supply in the market. The lesser there is, the higher the price will be. During the period when there is a large supply of this valuable metal, investors will find it to be quite inexpensive and will hold less value for it.

Price manipulation has also been affecting its value for a long time. Those who are involved in the association and cartels can attest to this fact. For those who are in a market that is under major control by these trade organizations will find it to be quite expensive. Therefore, they will price an ounce of gold at a higher rate than that of the one who is in a situation where there is less control over its price.

When there is a very high demand for it, the supply becomes unable to fulfill the needs of all the consumers. The little metal that is available is thus sold at a very high price. During this period, an investor will view it with such high regard and at a high rate. When there is a low demand for it, the prices go down and investors will view an ounce of gold with a very low regard.

Another key factor that will come to play is the level of government interference. If the government is quite involved in the trade in terms of fixing the prices and setting various taxes on it, its will greatly be affected. When the government sets extremely high taxes on one that is being traded in a country, the investors will find an ounce of gold to be quite expensive. On the other hand, if very little tax is charged, they will find it to be less valuable.

Location affects the price in that there are areas that are rich in mineral deposits of this metal, while others have no mineral deposits of it at all. The investors from the rich mineral areas usually acquire it at very low prices and will thus not attach much value to an ounce of gold, as compared to those from an area with very little mineral deposits.

Currency valuation is another huge determinant. In some countries, the rate of currency is quite low while in some others it is very high. For those who reside in countries where the rate of currency is quite high, this valuable metal will seem cheaper. Investors in these countries will term an ounce of gold to be of little value. The countries where the value of currency is very low will have it seeming more expensive, thus investors in these countries will term an ounce of this valuable metal to be quite valuable.

Income of the investor plays a key role in the determination of its price. An investor who earns a lot of money will not consider it to be worth more. The one who earns a little money will find it to be quite valuable.

This precious metal is a hedging tool, a storehouse of value, a way to see incredible returns, and it has barter value if currency ever becomes worthless. Investors should therefore be careful when dealing with cartels. Choose reputable ones.

What may be termed by one investor as a reasonable amount of this valuable metal can be negligible to another. When making an investment in terms of this valuable metal, there will be a variation in the size of investment depending on the above factors, and many more, even though the quantity of gold that was used was the same. This thus shows that each investor may value an ounce of gold differently.

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