Investment Diamonds Are Important For Balanced Portfolios

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By Carl Prescot

Throughout history, a diamond has always had a high value. At a time when the economy is uncertain and risks are difficult to quantify, investment diamonds may offer an alternative. After all, something that has consistently been so highly esteemed is unlikely to become valueless overnight. In fact, it might be regarded as essential to balance risk and any wild changes in value.

Even though there is a continuous supply of new diamonds, this has not impacted on the values of these stones as investments. Suitably high quality stones continue to remain scarce, as most that are mined are of lesser quality. Growing numbers of wealthy investors drive a steady and consistent price increase.

While precious metals such as gold also serve a similar function in a portfolio, in this case price varies widely on a daily basis and responds to a number of factors, making it highly speculative. Both retain their value when the political situation is doubtful and share many other characteristics. But the differences favor the stones for investing, while gold is much more suited to trading and speculation, and is highly popular because of the wide variations in price.

To those unfamiliar with these stones, it might seem that there is little but sentiment underlying their value. In fact, this could be said to be true of every investment, as expectations determine price, even in stocks. The fact that these stones have maintained their popularity for so long is the best indicator that they will probably continue to do so.

These stones have the advantage of being highly compact and easy to store. They also do not deteriorate in storage, and are impervious to chemicals. They are not indestructible, however, and should be looked after with care. Because they are highly portable, secure storage is essential, to prevent unauthorized removal.

With a secure market available for these stones worldwide, they have proven very useful to desperate refugees on many occasions. As a highly mobile store of value they have been very useful to many. While they cannot be looked to as an income source, they do retain their value well and show regular price growth over time.

As a part of a balanced portfolio, investment diamonds have a valuable place as a hedge against uncertain times. Because the value of this asset tends to appreciate contra-cyclically, it evens out fluctuations in the value of a portfolio. With a history of consistent growth and their other advantages, this investment avenue is also relatively trouble-free.

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