Big Assets Always Include Gold

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By Leslie Moonvis

It is sometimes hard to explain the appeal of gold - something that goes beyond its beauty. Perhaps it is its inherent financial value. With gold doubling in value over the last few years, many clever investors have seen their total asset pool increase in value while most people's investments have declined or stagnated. The successful run over the last decade for it as an investment vehicle has been outstanding. That makes it an investment you can count on, even when, financially speaking, the world looks close to breaking point.

In the past four or five years gold has almost doubled in value, and it's difficult to find another commodity that has achieved that kind of return. No matter how far you investigate in history, it has always been the best investment to make over the long term and it never loses its value for any prolonged period of time. Prior to carrying our a share execute order or acquiring a new asset for your portfolio, you really should consider the risks which you would have uncovered during the research phase before proceeding - it is important that you not over extend your risk.

In terms of sheer usability, gold is certainly among the easiest precious metals to use, and it melds particularly well with other metals. As soon as it was discovered, probably in streams or creeks as nuggets, gold quickly became a main part of cultures right across the globe. Although ancient civilizations such as the Greeks and Romans used gold and silver coins as money, it was not until the middle ages when countries began to "mint" gold in large quantities. Even after discovering new precious materials such as platinum and being able to make our own precious substances we still value gold, much in the same way as our ancestors. We also use gold as part of the manufacturing process for many items, especially for jewellery and electronic parts for computers.

Gold is an interesting material in that is can be easily moulded into shapes and any width you desire. Because of its brilliant colour, ancient people believed that gold must have come from the gods. Hence its widespread use in early religions. Gold was a natural metal to be used as coins - it was easily beaten into small pieces which were useful for carrying or transporting. People "recycled" gold through history, and we're no different today - at any one time today we recycle at least a 3rd of all the gold in the world.

It would be fair to say that gold, along with the other precious metals found by ancient man, helped to create art and culture and enlightenment. Gold is so useful today that it's scrap prices are high and recycling is very common. Gold, along with other precious metals, was put to use in various religious ceremonies and as a status symbol by wealthier classes. Entire groups of people have been wiped out or displaced because of the desire for gold. From the international space station to the rapper stars on MTV, gold is still used heavily as both an industrial metal and a decorative piece of wearable art even in modern times.

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