The Correct Way To Use A Diamond Color Chart
The 4 C's is a method that is used to help determine the value of diamonds. The 4 C's are cut, clarity, carat, and color. While all four of these components need to be taken into consideration when considering how valuable these stones are, a diamond color chart reviews the value of diamonds based on their colors.
Most people, when searching for diamonds to purchase, will opt to obtain stones that are colorless. These stones are most the wanted types of diamonds, due to their rarity, beauty, and high cost. However, many people tend to not realize that diamonds come in many different colors.
It is noted that diamonds that release fire are the most expensive stones available. Many will question how a stone can emit fire. Well, really, it is not the stone that releases fire, instead, it is the interior section of the stone that splits beams of light, emulative to a prism. When these beams of light are split, it appears like the interior section of the stone is on fire.
Stones that appear like they shoot more beams of light out of them, will cost more money. These stones, are usually the colorless stones. If you want diamonds that gleam, then you will need to have enough money to purchase these types of stones.
There are two different types of charts that jewelers use in order to determine the value of diamonds based on their colors. These charts are known as the GIA and AGS charts. The differences amongst them, are based on how diamonds are graded. AGS grades diamonds based on a 0-10 number scale, while GIA, grades diamonds based on a D-Z letter scale.
When using a diamond color chart, it is important that you acknowledge the different things that could affect the colors of these stones. Florescent lights that are given off by the UV rays from the sun can actually affect the color of your stone. The band that the stones are set into can also alter the colors as well.
Most people, when searching for diamonds to purchase, will opt to obtain stones that are colorless. These stones are most the wanted types of diamonds, due to their rarity, beauty, and high cost. However, many people tend to not realize that diamonds come in many different colors.
It is noted that diamonds that release fire are the most expensive stones available. Many will question how a stone can emit fire. Well, really, it is not the stone that releases fire, instead, it is the interior section of the stone that splits beams of light, emulative to a prism. When these beams of light are split, it appears like the interior section of the stone is on fire.
Stones that appear like they shoot more beams of light out of them, will cost more money. These stones, are usually the colorless stones. If you want diamonds that gleam, then you will need to have enough money to purchase these types of stones.
There are two different types of charts that jewelers use in order to determine the value of diamonds based on their colors. These charts are known as the GIA and AGS charts. The differences amongst them, are based on how diamonds are graded. AGS grades diamonds based on a 0-10 number scale, while GIA, grades diamonds based on a D-Z letter scale.
When using a diamond color chart, it is important that you acknowledge the different things that could affect the colors of these stones. Florescent lights that are given off by the UV rays from the sun can actually affect the color of your stone. The band that the stones are set into can also alter the colors as well.
About the Author:
Investment Diamond Exchange (IDX) provides diamond consumers and investors with educational material. You can read educational material by visiting our diamond chart page. To see additional information like a diamond size chart, simply visit the Investment Diamond Exchange (IDX) website or call a representative.