June 21 May Usher In A New Era For Humanity

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By Anne Trimble

We have actually brought you the concepts of Brian Dale Davison before, but there's a new reason to consider exactly what he has to say because he is warning us that June 21 will bring a civilization-shifting change that will considerably disrupt the monetary security of the world-- and your own finances.

Around about then, he figures that the impacts of the declining dollar as the preferred currency of the world and the basic foundation of "petrodollars"-- will be undermined. And that means you should be seriously thinking about strengthening your investments in gold and silver as that will certainly be fortified.

Of course, my investment firm has actually been advising our clients for many years on the importance of transforming their paper money into God's money--gold and silver--for a number of reasons.

And it's not as if Davidson, a geopolitical pundit of legendary proportions, is the only one sounding such dire warnings.

A story on CNBC Today asks "is the dollar dying" and discusses "concerns that the greenback is about to see its long run as the world's premier denomination come to an end." And partly as a reflection of worldwide shakiness in the markets despite media discussion of "recovery" in the U.S. and Japan, the Tokyo stock exchange has been plunging into a correction, with shares now off more than 10 percent from their recent peak.

But back to Davidson. He believes that, as weakened as the U.S. dollar and the American economy have become lately, they're about to experience an unprecedented swoon because of two things: the sad state of America's finances, and the decisive move by oil-exporting countries away from their 40-year tradition of basing the entire petroleum economy on the use of the dollar.

The game-changing event began when the Tehran Times published a short article about a year ago which said that Iran would certainly start moving away from relying on the petrodollar. As this idea spreads all over the world, it is sapping away the power of the The United State every single day, and this power is moving to other currencies and various other expanding economies, such as China.

What are regular capitalists to do when faced with such history-altering events? Davidson recommends a couple of options. One of them includes a fait-money play called the Powershares DB US Buck Index Bearish Fund, an exchange-traded fund. Yet his other recommendation is the one that we strongly agree with: get gold.

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