How Government Intrusion Is On The Rise
Every day that passes, another revelation comes out about how deeply involved the federal government has become in spying upon and oppressing rank-and-file Americans. And we ask, "Can you believe that?"
Our question is, "When will you believe it?" And when will we realize that the kind of authoritarian control that the Obama administration now is attempting to exert has come up to Biblical standards.
Simply put, America has actually become a tyranny, similar to some of the worst kingdoms in the Bible. Eventually God passed judgement using Israel's militaries, or in various other ways.
The ongoing string of revelations leaves us stunned, as word finally reveals how the IRS has actually been persecuting Tea ceremony groups, how the Justice Department has actually been criminalizing the exercise of journalism, and how the Obama administration got a judge to allow the National Safety Agency to keep track of telephone conversations of tens of millions of Americans who simply subscribe to Verizon Wireless.
Even the nonreligious news media, long the lapdog of liberalism and of the Obama administration, is complaining about the head of state's lack of promised transparency and propensity for abusing authority as well as his undermining of the Constitution.
In fact, the proof is pretty apparent that there is no such thing as privacy in this world anymore. Government has become virtually omniscient in its survey of its citizens, at least in nonreligious terms.
And so do you know what the next step will be? It's pretty obvious. Some government - or tyrant, or dictator, or some other power with access - will begin using all of this data to impose the ultimate control on global citizens, to restrict our freedom in the marketplace so that we'll be forced to bow to whoever is on that throne.
The Bible calls it "the mark of the beast" in Revelation 13:16-17. God gave the prophet John a vision in which the beast "forced all people, great and small, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hands or on their foreheads, so that they could not buy or sell unless they had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of its name."
Are you prepared to be stripped of your privacy and your rights? Since the time to say something is nearer than you think. Would anyone have thought even a month ago that we would be hearing the string of brand-new revelations that we are hearing now?
Our question is, "When will you believe it?" And when will we realize that the kind of authoritarian control that the Obama administration now is attempting to exert has come up to Biblical standards.
Simply put, America has actually become a tyranny, similar to some of the worst kingdoms in the Bible. Eventually God passed judgement using Israel's militaries, or in various other ways.
The ongoing string of revelations leaves us stunned, as word finally reveals how the IRS has actually been persecuting Tea ceremony groups, how the Justice Department has actually been criminalizing the exercise of journalism, and how the Obama administration got a judge to allow the National Safety Agency to keep track of telephone conversations of tens of millions of Americans who simply subscribe to Verizon Wireless.
Even the nonreligious news media, long the lapdog of liberalism and of the Obama administration, is complaining about the head of state's lack of promised transparency and propensity for abusing authority as well as his undermining of the Constitution.
In fact, the proof is pretty apparent that there is no such thing as privacy in this world anymore. Government has become virtually omniscient in its survey of its citizens, at least in nonreligious terms.
And so do you know what the next step will be? It's pretty obvious. Some government - or tyrant, or dictator, or some other power with access - will begin using all of this data to impose the ultimate control on global citizens, to restrict our freedom in the marketplace so that we'll be forced to bow to whoever is on that throne.
The Bible calls it "the mark of the beast" in Revelation 13:16-17. God gave the prophet John a vision in which the beast "forced all people, great and small, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hands or on their foreheads, so that they could not buy or sell unless they had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of its name."
Are you prepared to be stripped of your privacy and your rights? Since the time to say something is nearer than you think. Would anyone have thought even a month ago that we would be hearing the string of brand-new revelations that we are hearing now?
About the Author:
Looking to find the best deal on gold and silver? Also, visit Anne Trimble's site to find the best advice on surviving crisis by reading her autobiography Faith Through The Flames.