For A Look At Our Future, Go To Venezuela

5:42 AM 0 Comments A+ a-

By Anne Trimble

In succession, things that we never imagined were possible in this country are in fact taking place.

For a look at the next thing that "could never happen" in this country, things that could never happen in the United States, peer south to Venezuela. There, on Friday, the government of physically failing strongman Hugo Chavez devalued the bolivar, Venezuela's currency, by 46 percent.

Those who had invested only in the fiat currency lost almost half of their purchasing power. Ironically if they had thought to invest in gold and silver assets --which we refer to as God's Money -- their value would have risen by half.

True, the United States is not Venezuela. But the current administration is not just any administration; it's one of the most power- hungry in American history, and it aims to control and perhaps destroy the U.S. economy.

President Obama and the Federal Reserve will not ask Congress for approval to devalue the U.S. dollar all at once. Their policies have actually been debilitating the currency over the long haul. Moreover, there's absolutely nothing in the way of their imposing a "Chavez option" on America, too.

It's only natural to be scared. Our last best hope is to take our refuge in God's Money and in His Word.

We don't wish to be "alarmist." However, the purpose of a sentinel is to wake up the soldiers.

Don't you think the American Revolutionaries in Boston appreciated the fact that Paul Revere warned them of the arrival of the Redcoats? Similarly, the first survivors onboard the lifeboats of the Titanic must have been thankful to hear the calls of "Iceberg!" shouted from the crow's nest down to the bridge.

At Real Money USA, we consider ourselves that same kind of vital sentinel. And with that view of our ultimate purpose in mind, we want to warn our clients and other readers about the very dire scenarios unfolding in our world.

We understand how difficult it must be to accept some of the realities that we're sharing with you these days at face value because they are so outside the range of what we have come to assume about life in the United States. However, it's worth noting that sea changes in history usually begin this way. Those who have seen the shape of things to come have made the same kind of desperate analysis because they understood that their world would never be the same again.

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