Learn how to make money in the forex market with zulutrade

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By Dean Watt

Zulutrade is an online system which connects people who trade forex with people who want to make money in forex but don't know how. It works by using a signal provider and signal follower system. This means forex traders can sign up to zulutrade and offer their skills to signal followers. Signal followers are free to choose which signal provides they wish to follow.

Zulutrade is a service that is free to use both for signal providers and followers. Signal providers will earn broker commissions for each trade taken by their followers. A good trader who makes consistent returns will get a large following and make substantial earnings. To use it you will have to sign up to a forex broker. This can easily been done on the platform.

How does Zulutrade work?

It ranks all of the signal providers from one to over a thousand. The lower the number the better the signal provider has performed. If a signal provider can earn top rankings they can earn a very decent living.

To follow a signal provider you will first have to open an account. You have a choice of 2 types, a live account using real money or a demo account using play money. If you are new you should select a demo account until you are confident with the system. Once you have an account you will be able to select from any of the systems available.

At the beginning just chose one signal provider, and when you get more familiar with the system you can add more. Once you have selected your signal provider you are faced with a choice of how you wish to trade. You have 2 choices automatic and custom.

Automatic means you set your risk and the terminal sets your lot sizes for you. It is better to select a low risk setting as it is safer, it is tempting to set the risk setting to high because you can see the potential to make a killing. However with high risk setting you are more likely to lose your money rather than make it.

When you use the custom settings you have the ability to control your chosen system. This has many advantages such as stopping you going bust while making you substantial profits. You control this through lot sizes, limit orders, stop losses and more. This takes some time to learn however the rewards are worth the effort.

Newcomers should first use the auto button. This will allow you to learn how the system works and give you the confidence to move on to the custom mode in time.

More experienced traders can start on the custom settings and one of the best features of Zulutrade is the backtest facility. You can use this to find out how your signal provider would have done over a previous time frame with the settings you have selected.

By using the back testing feature you can learn about lot sizing and stop losses. This will help you choose the correct settings for your accounts.

Zulutrade offers a hands free way of trading and offers a gateway for many people who wish to make money in forex.

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